White Raft: Bid & Tender Writing

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Why trade with the Public Sector?

The UK public sector spends over £284 billion buying goods and services from suppliers. Clients of mine are always surprised by who exactly makes up the public sector.

What makes up the Public Sector?

It is made up of numerous organisations, including:

  • Central Government – Departments and their Agencies

  • NHS – Hospitals Trusts, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Ambulance Trusts, GP Surgeries and all other state run/funded health bodies

  • Local Government – Councils, Police, Fire and other Local Authority Services

  • Further and Higher Education – Colleges and Universities (post-16 Education)

  • Schools – Local Authority, Independent and Academy Nurseries, Primary and Secondary

  • Private/Charity Run Public Services– Community Interest Companies, Care Homes, Housing Associations, Health and Social Care

Why trade with the Public Sector?

As a supplier there are several reasons that make the public sector an attractive customer:

Guaranteed payment

They’re required by law to pay their invoices within 30 days.


The public sector isn’t going to go out of business.


As publicly funded organisations, they have to adhere to strict guidelines surrounding fairness and transparency. All bids have to be assessed to the same published criteria irrespective of who the supplier is. Bidders have the legal right to their score, feedback and an understanding of how close they were to competitors.


Your bid remains confidential between you and the buying organisation.

Long-term contracts

Contracts are often put in place for 2, 3, 4, even 5 years. A contracting authority doesn’t undertake the tendering process lightly, they will have to have justified the process internally so there will be a commitment to the contract.


Public sector contracts make great case studies to quote, and give both private and public organisations confidence in your capabilities.

SME Friendly

In recent years there’s been a drive for public sector organisations to award contracts to SMEs, with the UK government targeting that at least £1 in every £3 should be spent with SMEs. The government recognises that SMEs bring diversity and innovation to their supply base.

How do I help clients secure public sector contracts?

In a few different ways:

Bid writing

Drafting their bid response and ensuring it scores highly against the stated evaluation criteria

Planning, editing and reviewing bids

Help them plan their bid response

Suggest content for each question

Advise how to structure your answers to maximise your score against the evaluation criteria

Review and edit your application to strengthen it before you submit it.

Smart search

A weekly search for clients showing them the best bids that are available for them to respond to.

Skills transfer

I-2-1 and group training covering all aspects of finding, applying for and winning public sector contracts.


If you are interested in finding out more about how I can support you with public sector bids for your organisation contact me on hannah@whiteraft.co.uk.

To bid or not to bid?

This scorecard will help you decide whether to put in a bid or not. It helps you to consider the opportunity, suitability for your organisation and your bid capacity.

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